Road Safety APP
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its best web for all drivers and non drivers if you know about this then never you waste important live.....
very easy to understand, good method of teaching. only one warning sign is confusing, that X is showing keep left on round about ahead. should be removed.A separate message already sent.
Good job hope all of us follow rules of traffic in Pakistan as we follow out side of Pakistan.
God Job Logo ko is se fida lena chyia.
Great information and simple tips for traffic road signs.
its good help full but in the test room some sings is different
THank you so much. this information is so much understanding. I am learner
Really v happy to see, informative & helping. Sajid
very very nice information coverage about traffic rules
Good Job
its too helpful site and took good initiative which need our society as well nation. highly Appreciated . Jazak Allah
Super and excellent way to learn all signs boards of pakistan
Very nice & so helping for driving.
A Great Initiative And Excellent Material to Learn Traffic Rules Happy Learning !!!
A very informative website in all respect online testing demo is very interesting and knowledgeable
This is wonderful site. If you add meaning of different lanes on the road; it shall complete the information.
Very well managed and informative site. Make it more interactive , responsive and mobile friendly.
good wabsite inmpresive and informativee for a good citizen . and for responsible pakistani
very nice
so helping for driving
A very informative website in all respect online testing demo is very interesting and knowledgeable
Sir,your website is good use for practising.but you should use it as online apppying for driving can make center in cities or nearest city of will be much easier for public
this is a very helpful information we are so glad .i want something about like this and see here everthing thanks
hats off guys for developing such a nice website full of information.
Good informative site. Please add more questions and tests. Thank you
Good job. this is very informative and helpful site. Thanks
it is a good and interesting website, best thing is they provide downloadable material as well, i suggest you to also make some mcq based sign tests so that we can check our knowledge about these signs.
very nice site thanks
This is very informative web site for beginning driving license
Excellent effort to learn road signs especially for learners, Good Job. Thanks
Awesome and information site Thanks !
Appreciating work done by team in pakistan,well done & best of luck for improvement
very nice site and i appreciate the efforts of the owner of this site for providing information regarding traffic sings with complete details.
Masallah Good site, informative, friendly, supportive and helping
I must say your efforts for maintaining Website are highly appreciable. i would suggest following recommendations as one must try to improve all the time. 1. Please mention the procedure and fees of obtaining driving license. 2. Make a Manual of driving license in which every detail is described that is published on this website. 3. Make this website more user friendly and appoint a person who corrects English grammar mistakes. 4. Start a process of online test for driving license so that one only goes to driving school for practical. 5. All irrelevant info must be removed. I again appreciate you for your efforts and accept best wishes for the future of this website.
Excellent Efforts to Learn. Good Job.
Sir the process of getting license is very crucial and very tiring. i went to traffic warden office in Gujranwala 3 times but i failed to get token. the person who was in providing token said that they only provide token to 80 persons. although there is huge district having 4 tehsils and only 80 persons. plz do something for betterment of this process
pls train us for International licence test thanks
Yes is good only for does who have not gone through highway code book,to improve the site more and interested question on traffic code and question through joke and pic of acciedent on violation can produce get effect mentally,also pl put question for motarcycle
It is indeed a great effort to equip people with relevant, necessary even mandatory information about road driving. Moreover, this is not the information for learners but everyone who drives either juniors or seniors.
Excellent effort to learn road signs especially for learners, Thanks
Very good information I like
Excellent information here. you may please add a proper book of traffic signals. I gave on line test but your all my answers were right, but result was found opposite. You are requested to please update your software. If you provide online of traffic signals test for the applicant it will more easier to the drivers especially jobers to apply for Licesnse
By said information we can save our and others important life , and we reach our destiny carefully, safely,...GOD bless who don this great job. MLK.
Amazing Site... Keep it up... U r saving Lives means saving humanity.
This site is very useful. Thanks for All
Very very informative usefull Lesson for the citizens Thanks for regularly updates of this Training lesson Best regards Safeer
excellent efforts
Its really helpful to me. Thnx
It is very nice website. Thanks
This is a very help full and learning information. One can learn safety driving and become a good driver. Excellent work by Pakistan Motorways and High ways Police.
Its v.Useful information. thanks
bohat achi or helpful site thx
Thank you
it is very helpfull & needfull website for preparing a test
very informative, especially about the signs that are not normally visible in pakistan on roads :)))
Simply excellent work. Keep it up admin for more improvements
A.o.A! Ma Sha Allah it is a great website. actually i want to say that you should make a documentary regarding to road signs and other board in urdu. keep it up....! :)
Very helpful and informative website
A very good informative site
Website contains very useful , informative and comprehensive data for every one
nice work
Awesome information about traffic signatures... Thanks
This is the nice website. i have found a alot of information on this website, thanks
great work
Great job. It helped me a lot to to know about road signs. Keep up good work (Y)
Great work :)
Great Effort!
aoa thanks alot for such effort n help.apreciate that someone did a smartwork for others.tomorow is my writen n driving test for licence n i dont know what to do what not to do.there shud b some guideline for it too.
learning of traffic signs from this web site can be helpful for drivers in getting vehicle licences as well as physically driving on roads
Dear Friends, AOA Today I attended 1hr class in ICT and got valuable information which will helpful in my future life. But I could not pass my Roadsign today and did not dis-heart. I will go again and will pass my test as I have gone through these signs.
very good and very easy to learn traffic rules/signs. please increase the more levels of online test. i really feel very nice to learn about save of precious lives of humnity. bundle of thanks
I found this site very good for pak citizens to aware about road rules & regulation. I hope you will improve day by day. Thanks
The site has really helped me to understand the traffic signals.
Very useful and helpful website for learners. Hope to see more information like how to obtain driving license. Thanks team for your collaborated efforts.
yeh bahut malomati website hy, thanks
please manage all signs in one or two pages, so it can be easy to compare similar signs ,thanks
this site is very usefull
very helpfull site thank you
Great work guys, keep it up.......
Thanks to the maker/s of this site. they helped me a lot in my Transportation Engineering Course for Civil Engineers.
it is a very useful site and very rich information related driving. if daily inspection procedure is also added to this site so it will be a bonus topic for new learner.
Very Informative, but kindly add some material on (1) how to apply for Learner Licence, (2) Driving Test requirements with Pics/movies (3) Fines and point scoring etc
It is very Educated Website because to increase the knowledge by Road Safety and Road traffic signals Thanks to every one Which makes this website Allah Bless you
awesome website, today is my driving test and i was scared that i could fail the road sign test but thanks to the makers of this website who helped me out by giving all mandatory road signs with such a good discription
This is a very useful link for driving learners to apply for license. I appreciate the department for promoting the traffic signs and rules in the public
very helpful website.
one of my friend tell me about this online site for test exercise and i am really so easy to use this site its nice and perfect for training, thanks.
I am impress with your website Its one of the best to educate our Pakistan who drive with out driving knowledge which i often have a problem in road with them. I must say thanks to all the team work you have put together to make it possible for us. I salute you all.
Nice effort, first of its kind and most wanted. I hope people will not only appreciate the content but will follow the rules/signs in its true spirit
very important for safety on the road. our ngo is pwo is working on road safety,
really a very informative website.i appreciate it.
Website contains very useful , informative and comprehensive data for every one
It is very informative website to learn about road traffic signs.
Awesome, this site has a lot of information about road signs and every one who don't know about that so he/she can get all types of information about road traffic signs. pakistan NH & MP police thanks to work for people.
Very Very informative site... Excellent Information available on this website..
Very much informative and full of readable and downloadable articles. thanks for providing such great knowledge of Road safety and signals.. May Allah make us sensible to abide by the rules and regulations to over come road accidents and mishaps. Great Efforts from the admin of this site..
Informative and important but nobody worried about!!! Example: Single Yellow Line along the road means No Parking. You cannot park your vehicle but waiting is allowed, set passenger down is allowed and pick up passenger also allowed. But everyone misconducts!!!
Very Very informative site... Excellent Information available on this website..
It is very good I learn to much sign from this web it is realy awesome,.
Owsm web site :) thx alot but i want toh ask u.k jab result show hota ha toh yeh b zror show hona chye k konsa option wrong hua ha.. aesy andaza hojaye ga k kbsa ghalt ha nd uska right option b show ho... khir jo b ha sir thx alot kafi information mili t!x aloot
awesome website :) I gain a lot of knowledge about traffic signs from this website.I hope you will carry on this website like now. :)
I find it best test website for improve rodsigns knowledge and safety for my life,my family,and other.i slot you for playing best roll for nation.
Very Very Informative sight.Keep It up.
it is realy informative web site. i was confused to give driving test but after access on this website i got idea how to give MCQ answer. right now, i donot fear a little bit.... bundle of thnx
It is a very very good Website for both New and Old drivers. I really appreciate your work. MAY ALLAH BLESS YOU. AAMIN.
Very useful site.
Very Good site for road sense. A nation can only become civilized if they start showing discipline
Very informative and crucial site for drivers and public as well... Gud job NHA & MP
I like this website very mush, many useful things are available in this site.
very informative and useful site
Good website having lot of knowledge.
A very informative website, not only for general public but also for those companies, departments and technical person who manufactures and implements such sign boards at site. There are much more signs which may be added to website. Regards Mahmood Akhtar (
this is very informative sight.nd can help for preparing the test.
no doubt quite informative.. one suggestion. kiya test mcqs type ka nah ho sukta? plz thora sa work aur iss site pur kur liay n on spot jasye test submit kuray result ajye rather then keep waiting.. n using roman or english language..
It is a beautiful Educational website. I get a lot of knowledge, please keep it up. However, it is requested to start a Driving School/Academy so that the simple & poor masses may get rid from much costly private driving Schools.
Yes, this site is informative, but the explanation are missing details which should be updated and added. I also found some signs somewhat confusing and difficult to understand and to remember. These signs do not show the clear meaning. I think these signs might be too much confusing to persons who do not know how to read or write. In Pakistan road and highways you will find most of drivers who cannot read or write and they possess valid Driving License. So how can you expect that these drivers can read English signs?
really benefitted from this website. nice job done.
Thanks a lot for generating this website and educating the people free of cost. May Allah Pak give you reward for this pious work and enhance your courage for doing such types of work.
Thank you for giving information on sings
Thank you for giving information on sings.
As a nation we need extensive education for the traffic rules. If we compare with the modern world we are definitely lagging in traffic sense and observing rules and regulations. I take this opportunity to appreciate the initiative you have taken. I am quite hopeful that with the education and reinforcement on road we can really make a difference. Cheers!
A very good initiative. Some translations and signs are not correct. You should also include the rules for yielding i.e. giving way etc if possible. Once again, thumbs up for your work. Lastly, there is a typo 'reser' instead of 'reset' when entering comments or testimonials.
very good information thank u very much
Masha Allah.Very nice information is at this website. I appreciate your work. May Allah reward you the best
Assalam o alaikum, It is my request to update the road signs and information on Wikipedia using the same information, signals and road signs.
AOA, this is a good website, i get those sign that i really don't know, thank you so much, keep it up, May God give you reward. :)
Masha Allah. It is very informative website. I appreciate your work. May Allah reward you the best.
yee boht achi information wali website ha
Thanks i learned more signs with help of your site !!
good information!
Nice jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
This is the nice website. i have found a alot of information on this website, thanks.
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